Roberto Ramírez

Notes to get a job in USA

29 Jan 2015

Frequently I read emails and articles in the main social networks such as Linked In, Twitter, Google+; Most of them are related about positions in USA related to my professional experience, so, I started have some thoughts and I wondered, what would happen if I had the chance to work in a IT company in USA? Am I prepared for that? Is this possible?

I think that’s possible! Just, I need to work hard for it.

The first thing to do is to specialize in one field, in México, professionals like me, works in different fields, for example, we write code, test and manage databases, as a part of “a triple play package”. Look, it’s great to have a lot of skills to use in a position, but, as I said, I think is a good fit for Mexico, no for USA. I’ve read that the most of companies seek for specific profiles such as, “C# Developer”, “Java Developer”, “Web Developer”, “UI Designer”, “Software Engineer”, “Test Engineer” to name a few, so, is very important decide what do you want to do and get a certification on it to begin.

In addition, if I want to work in USA, speak English it’s a must! I’ve the idea that companies don’t expect a perfect idiom with all the rules and grammar, I like that, because I’m still learning, but is very important be clear and fluent, in other words, your co-workers should understand when you speak with them and you’ll need be very clear to express your ideas and thoughts.

Another important thing, is to have a good CV and put on it the gained experience in other positions in the past, skills and basic personal data. It’s very important be brief and concise and give the details in the interview. A cover letter is a plus.

Preparing an interview. You know, it’s very common to hear typical questions from interviewers such as, tell me about yourself? what do you like to do on weekends? or what are your strengths and weaknesses? But, in my opinion, to get ready to answer technical questions about the position related is another one big must!

Keep in touch. It’s a good option keep in touch with colleagues, recruiters and companies in your interest. Usually, social networks such as Linked In give us this chance. The idea is to know what positions the companies offer and what are they needs, this could be so useful, because you can figure out about the skills and responsibilities and acquire them.

Stay in good shape. Do exercise, go out to run and eat clean; a good presentation and to stay healthy could help you to get the job of your dreams.

Be honest. Working with integrity is essential to improve more and more, both professionally and personally.

Be optimistic. Who wouldn’t wish somebody like this in its company?

What do you think? Are you agree? What other advices can you give me? You can tell me on Twitter, I’ll appreciate a lot.

Thanks for reading!

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